New User Interface with Video and Desktop sharing


We are delighted to be rolling out our new UI software with video conferencing,
desktop sharing, a mini CRM and great chat function.  To find out more click here

Our services

  • Our cloud phone systems help your business increase productivity...

  • Why spending money on recurring fees for your ISDN or analogue line......

  • We help contact centres increase the efficiency of their agents using CRM and predictive diallier....

Advanced features for a small business

A robust cloud phone system that people can use with their mobiles and desk-phones when working from home or in the office.

Unifying remote offices and workers

VOIspeed allows you to unify remote offices and workers into one system with easy communication between and visibility of all employees.

Central phone book

Share your company phone book and contacts with all the other extensions and simplify your communication.


The VOIspeed APP can convert your smartphone into an extension of your business phone system, with all its features.


With chat function, you can message and exchange files between colleagues even when you are on the phone.

Call Recording

Record phone calls, listen to them again, delete them or download recordings.

See User Status

User status showing which employees are busy on other lines.

Call Reporting

Show phone reports and demonstrate phone activity.

Conference Call

Simplify conference calls with your clients and colleagues: with VOIspeed you can quickly and easily set up a conference call in just a few clicks!

Business Opening Hours

Plan your opening hours and set your automatic responder (IVR) quickly with our simple interface.

Our Clients

Interested in reselling?

Start a new business with VOIspeed

Becoming a VOIspeed partner is an opportunity to grow your business and add value to your customers.

A couple of our successful partners share their stories here.

Looking for a phone system?

Contact VOIspeed

Would you like to have more information about our telephone services and products? One of our team will contact you to discuss your requirements.