Meet the team


Team Members

Passionate about technology, Giuseppe has been involved in the development of VOIspeed since it was first conceived in 2003. He has an MBA from the Judge Institute in Cambridge and a Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering and brings to the company his entrepreneurial enthusiasm. Giuseppe is still looking for a better work/life balance, but at weekends he likes preparing his own fresh pasta for family and friends and playing the Ukulele, which he is currently teaching his young son.

With a First class degree in Information Systems and Management from Birkbeck, Said worked for many years as a Systems Administrator for the ATM industry, before moving to technical support with us.  After work, Said is kept on his toes playing football, and with his two young children.

Technical Support Engineer with VOIspeed, Dan is local to St. Albans, and a graduate computer scientist from Hertfordshire University.  Working as an AV engineer before moving to telecoms, he is keen on IT Networking, but do talk to him about football or poker too.

Charlotte has a background in communication (policy advice for businesses) and languages, and uses these skills marketing VOIspeed software, most of which she has translated from Italian to English. She is also responsible for company accounts.  One perk of her job is having Poppy the Cocker Spaniel (VOIspeed’s mascot!) sitting by her desk, possibly the most photogenic member of the team!  Aside from work, Charlotte enjoys playing clarinet and tennis.

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