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Remote working phone sytem
Train to gain! Remote UI training for Free

We are offering group training to our clients on Zoom with our Director Giuseppe who can discuss with you how best you can use our telephony features in your company, and make sure that everyone is up to speed!   We have seen a significant increase…

Remote working
Conference Call

Conference Call with VOIspeed for that quick work call!  You can relieve stress by conference calling for that morning team catch up call: you can be at the kitchen table without wasting time preparing yourself and your surroundings, or coping with lack of bandwidth for…

Business Continuity
‘Business as usual’

We would like to reassure all our clients and resellers that we have adapted quickly to the challenges related to Covid-19, and that our current status is ‘business as usual’. We monitor our network on a regular basis. We are pleased to report that our suppliers have robust continuity plans and our servers are in data centres that are ISO 22301 accredited.

Prepare for Remote Working now

Many companies (including some of our customers) are advising their customers to work remotely or are preparing for this eventuality.   The good news is that as a customer of VOIspeed you already have the capability of remote work using the VOIspeed App.      Login to…

App routing
Will I be paying when using my mobile App abroad?

The simple answer is that it all depends on the mobile provider you are with. If, like me, you do not pay to receive international calls and have data on your UK mobile when abroad (I use my UK mobile when I am in Italy), then it will make no difference if you are in UK or outside of it when using your mobile.